These chemical resistant polypropylene stir bar retrievers are ideal for retrieving all varieties of stir bars from harsh chemical environments.  Model #302895 is made of a powerful magnet coated with PTFE and a flexible PTFE rod.

SCI Cat. # Material Length Pack Quantity Pack Price
303305 Polypropylene 456 mm 6 Retrievers $116.00


303325 Polypropylene 304 mm 6 Retrievers $103.00


302895 PTFE 330 mm 6 Retrievers $240.00



Blades are made of chemical resistant polypropylene and are attached to a PVC covered steel rod.  Rods measure 8 mm in diameter and are 350 mm long.

SCI Cat. # Description Blade Width Blade Height Quantity Price
212585 2 Fixed Blades 44 mm 15 mm 1 $25.00


212595 “U” Shaped 65 mm 78 mm 1 $25.00


212605 Centrifugal 60 mm Extended 26 mm 1 $35.00


212615 Centrifugal 100 mm Extended 39 mm 1 $48.00
